Space Jam 2: Big Chungus is a 2018 American superhero comedy film directed by Terence Nance and written by Jonathan Goldstein and Kevin Abrams. It is a sequel to 1996’s Space Jam, based on the animated series of the same name. The film stars Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, and Diana Taurasi. The story follows the return of Looney Tunes characters Marvin the Martian, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Wile E. Coyote to compete in a one-on-one basketball game against Monstars descendants led by Big Daddy Alien. It was announced in March 2017. premiered at the premiere of Warner Bros.’ DC Extended Universe film Dunk
space jam 2 big chungus is Still Happening
The sequel was initially announced in early 2017. But has since been put on hold due to creative differences between the original producers and new producers. But despite the delay, it seems that Space Jam 2 will eventually come out.
According to reports, a new director has been hired, and the cast is currently filming in Atlanta. There’s no word yet on when we can expect the movie to hit theaters, but we’ll keep you posted as more details emerge.
In the meantime, if you’re a fan of the original Space Jam, be sure to check out its spin-off movie Space Jam: The Official Video Game which was released back in 2015.
The Cast
The cast of The Legend of Space Jam is a who’s who of the 90s. Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Charles Barkley are all in the cast. Other stars include Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant, and Dennis Rodman.
The story follows an alien basketball team trying to save their home planet from being destroyed by a comet. They need the help of the Earth’s best basketball players to do it. The aliens have an amazing power called “space jam.” With this power, they can make any object they touch fly.
The Earth’s best players are reluctant at first, but eventually they join forces with the aliens and play some amazing basketball in order to save their planet. The end result is a triumphant victory for both teams and everyone is happy ending.
The Plot
In 1994, Michael Jordan and the rest of the Chicago Bulls were on their way to a second consecutive championship. However, one pesky little guy named Kobe Bryant was putting up serious competition. So in order to take him down, Jordan enlisted the help of his friend, Bugs Bunny.
space jam 2 big chungus is an animated movie released in 1996 that tells the story of how Jordan and Bugs team up to take on Bryant and the Lakers. The film is based on a cartoon series of the same name that aired from 1988-1992.
This leads to Jordan recruiting Bugs to help him take on Bryant and the Lakers. Together, they use their skills as basketball players to defeat Majerus and his team.
Space Jam is a popular movie not only because of its storyline but also because of its cool visuals and catchy music. Watch for both adults and children alike.
What We Know So Far space jam 2 big chungus
Space Jam is an upcoming American science fiction comedy film directed by Justin Lin and written by Jeremy Slater and Rashida Jones. Pictures and RatPac-Dune Entertainment, with Kevin Misher, who produced Space Jam (), serving as executive producer. The film stars Michael Jordan, James Brown, Chris Tucker, Harvey Fierstein, and Larry Bird in their original roles from the cartoon. Production began in January 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Where We Are In The Production Process
Space Jam is finally here: After years of waiting, fans can finally enjoy the classic Looney Tunes movie on the big screen. While there are many fan-favorite jokes and scenes in Space Jam. One of the most interesting parts of the production process was getting Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck to perform together.
To get Bugs and Daffy to work together, producers had to come up with a way to make them both look believable onscreen. To do this, they used motion-capture technology and animators to create realistic animations of both characters. This allowed for seamless interactions between Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, making for an incredibly funny scene in the movie.
What Fans Should Expect
The movie is about a Looney Tunes character, Bugs Bunny, trying to help his team. The Monstars, win a game of basketball against Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Space Jam is a fun and exciting movie for fans of all ages to watch.
The story follows Bugs as he travels through space to play basketball with Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Along the way, he teams up with other characters from the Looney Tunes universe. Such as Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. Space Jam is full of action and humor that will leave fans entertained from beginning to end.
Fans of space jam 2 big chungus should expect an exciting adventure filled with humor and action. The story follows Bugs Bunny as he travels through space to play basketball against Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Along the way, he teams up with other characters from the Looney Tunes universe. Such as Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. Space Jam is full of action and humor that will leave fans entertained from beginning to end.