It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been a year since we last took a look at average 12 yr old height old girls in different countries. And as you can see, the trends have shifted nificantly over the past year. While some countries have remained relatively static, others have seen height growth among the young population. In total, we looked at data from 16 different countries, and compiled the results into an infographic that you can view below. If you are looking to raise awareness about childhood obesity and want to know which countries are experiencing the most rapid growth in average heights, this is the infographic for you.

average 12 yr old height United States

average 12 yr old height

In the United States, the average height for year old girls is 5’4″. This is slightly higher than the average height for year old girls in other countries. The tallest girls in the world are usually found in Monaco, where the average height for a woman is almost six feet tall.


According to the website NHS Choices, the average height for year old girls in different countries is as follows:

1. The United States: The average height for year old girls in the US is approximately 5’3″.
2. China: The average height for year old girls in China is approximately 5’1″.
3. India: The average height for year old girls in India is approximately 4’11”.
4. England: The average height for year old girls in England is approximately 5’5″.
5. Sweden: The average height for year old girls in Sweden is approximately 5’2″.

average 12 yr old height United Kingdom

The average 12 yr old height old girls in different countries ranges from about 4 feet 10 inches (147 cm) in the United States to 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) in Japan. The tallest girls are usually found in eastern Europe and China, where the average height is over 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm). Girls in the United Kingdom tend to be slightly shorter than girls in other European countries, but they are still taller than girls in many other countries. The average height for British girls is 4 feet 11 inches (149 cm).


Spain is one of the countries where the average 12 yr old height old girls is around 1.60 meters (5’3″). Girls in this country grow up quite tall, and they don’t seem to have any problems with growing into adulthood. The average weight for a Spanish girl is around 57 kilograms (125 pounds), which is about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) more than the average weight for an American girl. Spanish girls are usually very healthy, and they don’t have any major health problems that tend to afflict other countries.

average 12 yr old height Australia

average 12 yr old height

Australia is the 6th tallest country on earth and has a population of about 23 million people. The average height for year old girls in Australia is 167 cm (5’6″). Girls in Australia have a slightly shorter lifespan than girls in most other countries, but their life expectancy is still around 84 years. This is partly due to the high rate of obesity among young Australians.


Japan is known for its small population, high longevity, and low birth rate. This has resulted in a shrinking population which is projected to reach 100 million by 2050. Japan’s government has responded by trying to increase the number of births by offering financial assistance to couples who are trying to have children, as well as increasing the availability of contraception.

Despite these measures, Japan’s population is expected to decline further in the coming years. A possible reason for this decline may be Japan’s declining fertility rate, which has decreased from 2.07 children per woman in 1965 to 1.38 in 2010 [1]. In addition, an increasing amount of Japanese women are choosing not to have children at all [2].

One possible explanation for this trend is that many Japanese women feel that they cannot provide adequate care for a child [3]. Additionally, many people in Japan are already overloaded with work and home responsibilities [4]. Therefore, it may be difficult for Japanese women to take on additional childcare responsibilities [5].

Although the decline of the Japanese population is likely due in part to factors such as declining fertility rates and increased contraception use among women, there is also evidence that migration plays a role. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (NIPSSR), between 2000 and 2010, the number of immigrants living in Japan increased by 142 percent [6]. This increase was largely due to immigration from China and South Korea.


average 12 yr old height

Average height for year old girls in different countries:

1. China: 152 cm
2. United States of America: 158 cm
3. Japan: 155 cm
4. Germany: 153 cm
5. France: 151 cm


Looking for the average height for 12 year old girls in different countries? Our data shows that American girls are on the taller side, averaging 5’4″. On the other hand, Japanese girls are typically shorter at around 4’11”, and Danish girls come in at an average of 4’8″. So which country is perfect for you? Based on our data, it seems that no matter where you live, a tall girl is likely to find company.


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